Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 7, 2016

Chiller York xoắn ốc giải nhiệt nước


Chiller York xoắn ốc giải nhiệt nước: GMPclean là nhà phân phối các loại Chiller York, Chiller York xoắn ốc giải nhiệt nước giá tốt tại Hà Nội. Hotline: 0962291010

Our YORK® YCWL Water-Cooled Scroll Chiller delivers superior efficiency while helping you stay environmentally friendly. Today’s concerns about electricity costs and climate change are causing many building owners to employ more energy-efficient HVAC technology, and YCWL Water-Cooled Scroll Chillers give you the flexibility to do just that.
With the capacity to meet cooling requirements for a wide range of commercial and industrial facilities, get the performance you want from your cooling equipment with a YCWL.

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